Welcome to “Breathe, B✧✧✧✧!

a “breathe b✧✧✧✧!” a day, keeps All the bullsh*T away

Everybody just needs to “Breathe, B✧✧✧✧!”

Proprietary Aromatherapy Product for Calming the Soul

Effortless healing energy

organic, high-quality, pure essential oils

efficiently regulate the nervous system

Relaxation at your fingertips

Maybe, you don’t need to snap and b**** everyone out. Maybe, you just need to “Breathe B✧✧✧✧!”




Infused with Reiki Energy & Miracle Healing Frequencies

Naturally improves mood
Assists in emotional well-being
Aids in mental focus & peace of mind

Do you need to “Breathe, B✧✧✧✧!” ?

If you feel like sometimes, something could help you take the edge off of a stressful day or help you when you get triggered, maybe you just need to “Breathe, B✧✧✧✧!

Everyone needs to “Breathe, B✧✧✧✧!“, not just you

You are not the only one who need to “Breathe, B✧✧✧✧!“, so you can relax and just Breathe, B

If you just “Breathe, B✧✧✧✧!“, it can save you from destroying things when you feel upset

Learning to “Breathe, B✧✧✧✧!” when you get mad can be much more affordable than having to rebuild relationships or face consequences when you don’t just “Breathe, B✧✧✧✧!

Let other people know to “Breathe, B✧✧✧✧!

Make sure your friends, family, and team are conscious of nose-breathing with our quality product, so as to uplift the collective consciousness and wellness of humanity

Most people mouth breathe, and don’t properly expand their diaphragm; nor get as much oxygen in their lungs; so we are here to encourage deeper, nose breathing and diaphragmatic breath through our innovative, one-of-a-kind, proprietary blend: “Breathe, B✧✧✧✧!

Jediah Omniversal,

CEO, Breathe B & Nectar Drip R3m3di3s

Why “Breathe, B✧✧✧✧!“?

Simple & easy method to chill
Will make you look and feel less crazy
You can tell people to fricken’ “Breathe, B✧✧✧✧!

What clients feel about “Breathe, B✧✧✧✧!


I’m truly grateful I stopped being a total b✧✧✧✧ while mouth breathing like a tyrant, and finally started to nose breathe more as I learned to “Breathe, B✧✧✧✧!

Now, I tell everyone to just calm down for a sec, take a deep nose breath to re-orient their nervous system, and simply “Breathe, B✧✧✧✧!

Delulouisiana Hillbillie Eyelash

All you really need to change your life is to just “Breathe, B✧✧✧✧!

helps you to stop being a total freakin’ B✧✧✧✧!

helps all of your delulu come truelulu